Larry Crofton
Hatfield East
I have had family in Hatfield all my life. I moved here from St.Albans as a teenager and have been here ever since.
I love Hatfield and think it has a very unique social construction that we either don’t see, or has been lost in a lot of other places. The people of Hatfield are a close-knit community who will stand against injustice where they see it.
The most common arguments here often comedown to neglect of our town. The bias of the Conservative decisions towards WGC are more than obvious when we look at the contrast between the neighbouring towns.
I want to see Hatfield treated fairer and given the love it needs to make it a better and safer place.We have a lack of things for youngsters to do. The local amenities we do have are nowhere near being a comparison to those of surrounding areas.
Hatfield has all but been stripped bare. Everyspace being sold off for flats, no police anywhere on the streets, nothing for youngsters to do… New things aimed at making the town look better just get vandalised because those in charge don’t understand the problems.
I understand the problems facing the local people of Hatfield as I am a local person in Hatfield. I see the problems daily and I have seen what we have lost since I was a child here. It feels like we have fallen into a hole and been forgotten about most the time.
I will always fight for what’s right in Hatfield and right for you.