Kieran Thorpe
Hatfield Central
I’ve lived in Hatfield my whole life and am proud to call this place home. Working locally to support small to medium businesses, I see daily the struggles people are going through and in relation to the Council, the poor service they receive while paying more and more tax.
My family and friends all live here, and I want to make Hatfield the best place it can be! Whether you vote for me or not, I will always work hard for you as your Councillor. Fighting for better treatment for our town and those that live here and fighting against those that always treat us as second best.
I don’t just report things like fly tipping, I make sure they are cleared, even if I have to do it myself as I did recently on my old school field. I don’t just accept awful levels of service – when a resident told me the council had refused to fix their children’s bedroom windows, I made sure that policy was swiftly abolished.
As the reduction of Council services and funding has continued on since 2010 when it commenced under the Conservative/Lib Dem coalition, residents are facing the true cost of this – ridiculous increases in their tax, allotments, brown bin & garage fees and parking permits. Amid a cost of living crisis exacerbated by Conservative mismanagement of the economy, it cannot be right to load up even more debt onto local people.
It shouldn’t be a battle to get basic levels of service and a town we can be proud of. As your Councillor I’ll keep fighting for you for as long as you put your trust in me, which I hope you will in these coming elections on Thursday 4th May.