Labour Councillors in Hatfield Marketplace
Labour Councillors in Hatfield Marketplace

Labour Councillors and campaigners made a new years visit to Hatfield Town Centre last week to discuss upcoming changes and speak to local traders.

Led by Hatfield Councillors Kieran Thorpe, Pankit Shah and Jane Otumunye, prospective County Council Candidate Beth Kelly visited several businesses, speaking to owners and their customers about a Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council project bringing  changes to the ‘Marketplace’ that will see a new layout with planting, visual improvements and seating areas with modern play and leisure infrastructure creating a more welcoming experience for shoppers.

With several nods to Hatfield’s rich aviation history, the project will commence in early 2025 and will build on the previous redevelopment undertaken elsewhere in the Town Centre.

After reviewing the plans and location as well as previous changes made, Beth said

“I’m excited to see work commence on this important phase of the redevelopment of the Town Centre and it was great to speak to and share the enthusiasm local people have to see this public space transformed.

I heard from the local Councillors how this involves areas owned by both the Borough and County Councils, and I think it’s crucial that closer ways of working between the different tiers of local authority are found to reduce delays and unnecessary expenditure on a whole range of issues affecting Hatfield. Should I be elected to the County Council in May this is one of many areas of closer working I’d like to see happen.

I saw last year the difference the Labour led joint administration has made in Hatfield Town Centre with an entire summer of vibrant events in White Lion Square, and I’m confident that this project will go some way to bringing some much needed improvements to this side of the Town Centre”

After a summer of vibrant events in White Lion Square, I’m confident that this project will go some way to bringing some much needed improvements to this side of the Town Centre Beth Kelly - Prospective County Council Candidate
Beth Kelly - Prospective County Council Candidate
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